For recording, the price of £500 could be seen as expensive depending on what was being recorded. For example, if it was a choir that required just 2 microphones, £500 seems expensive especially if they don’t want much doing.
My thoughts on this were then to scale the pricing.
With a base cost being £250 for 2 hours. Then £50 per hour on top of that.
Mixing and mastering would start at £75 for 2 songs or 1 hour of work. Then £50 per song/hour
We would possibly get rid of CD’s as these can be expensive and don’t provide us with any income.
Branded USB’s is something we looked into at £5 per memory stick. The memory sticks are roughly £3 per unit from fluid branding, although there is a lot of competition.
For a choir wanting 2 songs and a USB delivery – £330.
A showreel for a music department at 5 songs and USB delivery – £625.
These prices seem fairer as each party can see a difference.