Website and Research

As Joe and I live together we don’t tend to schedule meetings as we are constantly chatting about our projects. But we decided to set some tasks for the week.

I looked at website creation and what professional websites within our industry look like. I then looked at some website creation websites and started work on one.

The one I started on is here

“If this link doesn’t work it’s because we will have updated the domain name. ”


Audio Project – Meeting 3

Since the last meeting, we had some unfortunate timing problems with Dave. This had meant that we still hadn’t met the bands or arranged timings.

We met with Lee and spoke about how meeting the bands had been rearranged to this week.

Since we were unable to meet with Dave, Joe and I worked on our individual learning outcomes and other related research. We have decided to go visit my college tutor to gain more primary research into the project. Lee spoke about going to speak with schools and with people we didn’t initially know to help us research more about our audience. He also spoke to us about having a professional appearance. We spoke about websites and how we would approach potential clients.

We then looked more at our learning outcomes and spoke about the presentation and the preparation for that.



Jez Riley French – Sound Artist

The main theme of the lecture was Jez showing us his work and how he achieved each of his recordings.

Jez played many pieces which he had created using an array of different microphones. He introduced us to his set of contact microphones which he had built. He played a piece called “Teleferic” about a metal cable in Italy. He spoke about how it sounded like the lasers from Star Wars and that this is a similar process of how they are made.

His work involves recording objects for large amounts of time to hear how they sound undisturbed. He spoke about pieces lasting 8 hours because he wanted the environment to be as it sounded before he got there.

Jez spoke about hydrophones and geophones and played some pieces that use them. These have an interesting sound to them and may be useful in future recording projects.

He mentioned that he was interested in the psychology of the listener and how sounds are perceived by an audience. After the lecture, I got his email address as I think he will be a good dissertation contact.

Overal I found this lecture to be very interesting as some of the pieces he made sounded almost orchestra like, yet they were made using buildings or natural structures.

Improved Pricing Options

For recording, the price of £500 could be seen as expensive depending on what was being recorded. For example, if it was a choir that required just 2 microphones, £500 seems expensive especially if they don’t want much doing.

My thoughts on this were then to scale the pricing.

With a base cost being £250 for 2 hours. Then £50 per hour on top of that.

Mixing and mastering would start at £75 for 2 songs or 1 hour of work. Then £50 per song/hour

We would possibly get rid of CD’s as these can be expensive and don’t provide us with any income.

Branded USB’s is something we looked into at £5 per memory stick. The memory sticks are roughly £3 per unit from fluid branding, although there is a lot of competition.

For a choir wanting 2 songs and a USB delivery – £330.

A showreel for a music department at 5 songs and USB delivery – £625.

These prices seem fairer as each party can see a difference.

Audio Project – Meeting 2

Before this meeting, Joe and I spoke about our meeting with Dave and where we wanted our project to go.

We spoke to Lee about how the meeting had gone and showed him the document we gave to Dave which highlighted our idea, the price and aims for the project. We spoke about how much Dave enjoyed the idea and how fast the project was going. We discussed the budget issues and how Dave didn’t like the extra charges but would be willing to pay the £500 for the engineering.

We then talked about creating some learning outcomes for the project and what we each wanted to achieve by creating the product. Lee also decided to postpone the presentations  for the project as he didn’t want to slow anything down.

We didn’t discuss a much else in this meeting other than the initial meeting with Dave.