Jez Riley French – Sound Artist

The main theme of the lecture was Jez showing us his work and how he achieved each of his recordings.

Jez played many pieces which he had created using an array of different microphones. He introduced us to his set of contact microphones which he had built. He played a piece called “Teleferic” about a metal cable in Italy. He spoke about how it sounded like the lasers from Star Wars and that this is a similar process of how they are made.

His work involves recording objects for large amounts of time to hear how they sound undisturbed. He spoke about pieces lasting 8 hours because he wanted the environment to be as it sounded before he got there.

Jez spoke about hydrophones and geophones and played some pieces that use them. These have an interesting sound to them and may be useful in future recording projects.

He mentioned that he was interested in the psychology of the listener and how sounds are perceived by an audience. After the lecture, I got his email address as I think he will be a good dissertation contact.

Overal I found this lecture to be very interesting as some of the pieces he made sounded almost orchestra like, yet they were made using buildings or natural structures.

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