Recording Session 2 – Sunda Strait

This day was mainly focused on recording a band named Suna Strait.

As the studio was left exactly how it was the previous day the band could turn up and instantly be recorded. This meant the session was very quick and felt very professional.

We were also able to track vocals this day as they got playback to work from Protools. Due to technical problems, the previous session didn’t have playback meaning we couldn’t overdub vocals. The guitarist and singer of The Doc’s came back in to track vocals.

This meant that we left this session with a total of 7 tracks fully recorded with vocals. We are planning a future session where we are redoing some vocal parts for Sunda Strait as the singer was ill.

Overall we were very happy with how smoothly this day went and we are very happy with the quality of the recordings.

Recording Session 1 – The Doc’s

This week we decided to have an email tutorial. This was because Joe and I had scheduled this as a recording day.

The recording process hit a few bumps early on as due to a hardware malfunction the studio was down for a number of hours. We were told the studio would be up and running so we continued to set up equipment.

We discussed previously what we thought would work best for the recording process. As we wanted to record a large number of songs in a short space of time we opted for a semi-live approach. We accomplished this by having all the musicians in separate rooms but all playing at once. This gave us a very quick way of recording a large amount of material to a high quality.

Our main drawback to this method was due to the technical problems. The band had arrived early and because of this, we had to continuously send them away. We felt this left an unprofessional feel around the session which was unavoidable. The first band was called The Doc’s. They had been recorded at the university before and had a bad experience then. We made it our aim to try and be different.

Once we started the recording session it went really well. Even though we couldn’t play the material back we were happy with how everything sounded during the session.

Our hope of this session was to have everything set up ready so the bands could turn up and record. This would make it easier on us and on them creating a professional vibe over the project.

Overall The Doc’s were very accommodating with all the issues and we left with surprisingly high-quality recordings considering the circumstances.

The Doc’s Sample Mix – Song 2


Ross Griggs – Director of music (College of West Anglia)

I was curious to get a second opinion on the pricing as that was one area we were a little uneasy on.

I approached Ross with our original pricing scheme and his answer was more or less identical to Dave’s. He said that a studio rental fee wouldn’t be feasible due to their resources. Ross was interested in the CD option as he enjoyed the idea of a fully finished product, but question the price.

I then approached him with the new pricing strategy that involved the scaling. He definitely preferred this approach as it allowed him to tailor the cost to what he actually wanted. Out of the bundle option, he said he liked the idea of a band/EP because of its affordability. If he was to purchase an option he said he would go for that one as it’s enough material to promote with.

Ross also mentioned that when targeting schools to be careful of the fact that professional recordings may not be interesting to them. He said that the idea as a whole was good but that some places may not see the value in the product.

Ross was actually very helpful as he gave a second opinion on our idea as well some new input.

Business and Careers Lecture

This lecture was really helpful.

They started by having us do a quiz about how much we knew about being a business.

The main portion of the lecture was looking at the classes offered for graduating students.

As Joe and I are potentially looking at furthering our company idea we are looking at attending these classes.

They spoke about the start-up fund they can give to small businesses and that is something that is very appealing to us.

This was a really useful lecture and i plan to look into the classes they offer next semester.